Terms & Conditions

Terms and conditions for True Energy’s App

1. Introduction

Welcome to our application, the True Energy App (the “App”). It is published by True Energy ApS, CVR no 39406764 (“True Energy”). By downloading or accessing the App through other means, you accept to be bound by the following terms and conditions.

2. Agreement date

Registration is considered complete from the date you create the login and password through the App, which allows True Energy to control the charging of your electric vehicle or other machines and services.

3. Delivery

Our delivery is done through the App, which can be downloaded from the Apple App Store and Google Play Store. The agreement includes optimisation of your electricity consumption for the products and services you specify in the App, for which True Energy has developed integration functionality. Optimisation occurs per the specifications you choose in the App. Electric vehicles are automatically included in the Big Battery and Local Battery if possible, and if you have not deselected it in the App. Read more about this below. Participating in Big Battery and Local Battery may make you eligible for Cable Discount (Kabelrabat™). Read more about this below.

4. Prices

The hourly electricity rates shown in the App generally reflect the spot price of electricity as it is traded daily on the Nordpool electricity exchange, exclusive of any supplemental charges that your electricity provider may charge you. Hourly electricity rates are updated daily. In addition to the spot price and any supplemental charges from your electricity provider, you pay costs to your grid company and public fees on your electricity bill, meaning that the total price per kWh may not be shown in the App. Kabelrabat™ remittance is dispersed when True Energy receives payment from Energinet for participating in the grid’s reserve capacity – called “Big Battery” in the App. The payment is shared with participants in Big Battery so that you receive a portion of the income from Energinet, calculated based on how much empty battery storage you have made available during the periods when True Energy has run Big Battery, as well as any further agreements that have been entered into between you, the re-seller and True Energy. The details of how much Kabelrabat™ you are eligible for are continuously updated and visible via the App. The achieved rebate is either deducted from your electricity bill by your electricity supplier or your monthly subscription fee if you are a True Energy premium customer.

5. Termination

By deleting the App, you are simultaneously terminating your use of True Energy’s services for your registered electric vehicles and other machines and services. Concerning Local Battery: This service can be terminated by deselecting “Participation in Local Battery” under the charging rules for the individual vehicle. Opting out of this service does not affect the App’s other functions or services but only the participation in Local Battery.

6. Temporary Disruption of Services and Expiry of Services

True Energy endeavours to make the App available 24 hours a day, but True Energy reserves the right to temporarily discontinue or cease providing services relating to or through the App. Such discontinuation or cessation can occur with or without notice, and should True Energy choose to do so or should external circumstances force such disruptions to services, True Energy’s liability shall be limited to the greatest extent possible.

7. Responsibility

You are responsible for downloading updates for the App to the extent that True Energy releases updates. You are responsible for complying with applicable laws and these terms and conditions when using the App. This includes but is not limited to not using the App in any unlawful manner, making no attempt to obtain unauthorised access to the App, or altering, translating, adapting or reverse engineering any part of the App. By providing login information to True Energy regarding your electric vehicle or other machines and services, you guarantee to True Energy that you are entitled to disclose this information to True Energy, and you accept full responsibility for True Energy’s integration of this information with the software that controls your electric vehicle, appliances, or other machines and services. True Energy cannot be held liable for this. True Energy is not responsible for any losses incurred by you as a result of operation failures or power failures or similar occurrences or as a result of failures or malfunctions in the App, including any operational losses, losses of profit, or indirect losses which you may otherwise suffer as a result of the simultaneous use of the App in relation to your profession or job.

8. Delivery Obstacles and Force Majeure

In case of force majeure, your and True Energy’s obligations to each other are suspended for as long as force majeure exists. Force majeure may include one or more incidents of the following non-exhaustive list:
  1. Extraordinary natural disasters, including earthquakes, floods, and ice winters
  2. Anti-societal events, including wars, riots, or terror
  3. Fires, conflagrations, and vandalism
  4. IT-manipulation and other, accidental, events that cause disruptions to IT and communications
  5. Breakdown of or damage to electrical systems that are not caused by the utility supplier’s faults or neglect
  6. Impossibility of obtaining necessary labour, machinery, materials, or subcontractors
  7. Labour disputes, including but not limited to strikes and lockouts
  8. Uncertainty of electricity supply, including insufficient energy production and/or imports.

9. Personal data

For information regarding True Energy’s privacy policy, please visit this webpage.

10. Copyright

The copyright of all material in the App, including all information, data, text, audio, images, graphics, videos, calculations, and messages, is the property of True Energy. Such material may not be copied, edited, modified, reproduced, published, displayed, distributed, stored, transmitted, commercially exploited, disseminated, or used without express written agreement with True Energy.

11. Agreement Changes

Your agreement with True Energy consists of these terms and conditions and any terms for the disbursement of Kabelrabat™ that your True Energy re-seller or partner has entered into with you. Your electricity supply agreement is not part of this agreement. True Energy retains the right to change these terms and conditions. If True Energy makes material changes to these terms and conditions, you will be notified via email sent to the most recent email address you provided to us or by informing you of the changes through the App itself. Any changes to these terms and conditions will take effect thirty (30) calendar days after sending notifications via email or giving notice of changes through the App itself. By continuing to use the App after the thirty (30) calendar days’ notice expires, you will be deemed to have accepted the changes. Please note that you are always responsible for keeping your personal information up to date so that True Energy has your current email address. If the most recent email address you provided is not valid, sending information to the email address in question will still constitute effective notice of any changes described in the notice.

12. Contact Information

Please contact your True Energy partner or re-seller with questions about the use of the App. If you experience errors in the App, you can notify True Energy by emailing support@trueenergy.io. True Energy ApS Agern Alle 5A 2970 Hørsholm Denmark Cvr 39406764 Mail: support@trueenergy.io

13. Complaints

The App is covered by the Danish Product Liability Act (in Danish: Produktansvarsloven). If you wish to make a complaint, please contact True Energy using the above-mentioned contact information. The complaint should include your App username (email address) and a description of your dissatisfaction. True Energy will process your complaint within ten business days. If you are unsatisfied with True Energy’s processing of your complaint, you can formally complain to The Danish Consumer Complaints Board (in Danish: Forbrugerklagenævnet).

14. Applicable Law and Venue

Disputes between yourself and True Energy that cannot be mediated and resolved between the two parties must be settled per Danish law. Cases against True Energy relating to these terms and conditions shall be brought before the district court in Helsingør, Denmark.

These terms and conditions apply from October 9, 2020.

Terms and conditions for Kabelrabat™ from Big Battery

1. Introduction

This document describes the terms and conditions for achieving Kabelrabat™ from True Energy ApS (”True Energy”).

2. Conditions

To gain access to Kabelrabat™, you must purchase electricity for your household from True Energy or one of our partners and use True Energy’s application when charging your electric vehicle. It is, therefore, a prerequisite for obtaining Kabelrabat™ to enter into the following agreements:
  1. Delivery agreement through True Energy or one of our partners.
  2. Terms and conditions regarding the use of True Energy’s App: https://www.trueenergy.io/terms-conditions/

3. Delivery Conditions

Kabelrabat™ is conditional upon Energinet’s approval of and financial remuneration for True Energy’s participation in the market for system services for balancing the power grid. True Energy participates in this market with its Big Battery service. Big Battery refers to True Energy’s simultaneous access to many batteries which True Energy can control centrally. Thus, Big Battery can participate in balancing the Danish electricity grid. If there is too little power in the electricity grid, True Energy stops charging all cars attached to Big Battery for a short period (typically a few minutes). Conversely, if there is too much power, charging starts. True Energy never sends electricity from your battery into the electricity grid. In this way, your and others’ electric vehicles help to reduce the fluctuations in electricity demand, so that electricity producers avoid starting expensive and polluting power plants if there suddenly is extraordinarily high or low demand for electricity. True Energy receives remuneration from Energinet for delivering this service. When your vehicle participates in Big Battery, we share this remuneration with you. This happens in the form of Kabelrabat™. You earn Kabelrabat™ every time your vehicle participates in Big Battery. You can read more about how Kabelrabat™: https://www.trueenergy.io/true-energy-app/ Energinet may divide, modify, or cancel payment for system services. Energinet may also change the requirements for participating in the delivery of system services. These and other changes that have the effect that True Energy can no longer participate in the delivery of system services or no longer receives payment from Energinet will result in the cancellation of all payments of Kabelrabat™ to you no later than when the changes from Energinet take effect for True Energy. True Energy will notify you of such changes as soon as possible (see the “Conditions Changes” section for details) should such a situation arise.

4. Conditions for Participation in Big Battery

The following conditions must be met before the vehicle can participate in Big Battery: You must use True Energy’s application to charge your electric vehicle. The charging point behind your electricity meter (i.e., at home) must be set to Smart Charge. Cars on Quick Charge do not participate in Big Battery. During the initial phase, True Energy will primarily deliver Big Battery during the night between midnight and 4 AM. Therefore, your vehicle must be connected to its charger during this time to participate in Big Battery. The period will change as the number of vehicles participating in Big Battery changes. If your car is disconnected, or the power or communication link to the vehicle disappears while you are participating in Big Battery, the remuneration will be reduced proportionately.

5. Reduced Participation in Big Battery

True Energy cannot guarantee that all vehicles with a charging cable or charging box connected to the electricity grid will participate in Big Battery. Circumstances related to the individual vehicle may cause it to be unable to participate once or several times. For example, the following reasons may lead to such a situation: the connection to the car is unstable, the car owner’s specified ready time is short, or a very long charging time is required. True Energy may win bids for a capacity smaller than what is available. If the vehicles are available for Big Battery but cannot participate for the reasons set out above, a fair distribution among participating vehicles will be sought on a monthly basis.

6. Prices

Energinet’s remuneration for system services is traded at a daily auction and varies hour by hour. Thus, remuneration for participation in Big Battery also varies. Energinet pays different prices for different types of system services, depending on, among other factors, where the system service is geographically delivered. True Energy shares Energinet’s remuneration with you. Your saved Kabelrabat™ can be viewed in True Energy’s application.

7. Payment

All remunerations of Kabelrabat™ are settled and stated in Danish Kroner, including VAT and other fees, per applicable rules. Kabelrabat™ is calculated as a discount to your electricity bill at least once or twice a year, or otherwise, depending on how your True Energy partner has chosen to give you Kabelrabat™ under the terms of its agreement with you. To the extent True Energy offers it, you may convert your Kabelrabat™ to other types of products, donations, or similar.

8. Termination

If your car does not participate in Big Battery, including but not limited to when terminating your electricity supply agreement with True Energy or one of our partners, deactivating the True Energy application, or putting your car offline in the True Energy application, access to Kabelrabat™ will be removed. However, already achieved Kabelrabat™ will still be valid until the final statement from your electricity provider, after which time you will lose any additional Kabelrabat™.

9. Complaints

Objections and complaints must be submitted in writing to True Energy via mail to support@trueenergy.io. True Energy will process your inquiry as quickly as possible and return our assessment after our investigations.

10. Personal data

The processing of personal information is described in our privacy policy. For details regarding True Energy’s privacy policy, please refer to https://www.trueenergy.io/privacy-policy/.

11. Applicable Law and Venue

Any dispute that may arise in connection with this contract, including disputes regarding the existence or validity of the contract, must be sought to be resolved through mediation. If the mediation ends without the dispute being resolved, disputes between you and True Energy must be settled per Danish law. Cases against True Energy concerning these terms and conditions or the Delivery Agreement are brought before the district court in Helsingør, Denmark.

12. Changes to Terms and Conditions

True Energy retains the right to change these terms and conditions with a minimum notice period of one month until the end of one month (30+ days). Changes will be announced on True Energy’s website, through True Energy’s application, via invoice notices, and/or similar. Current terms and conditions can be found at www.trueenergy.io. Changes to terms caused by changes/requirements of Energinet or other authorities can be implemented with less notice than one month.

These terms and conditions apply from March 23, 2020.

Terms and Conditions for earning Local Battery rebate

1. Introduction

This document describes the terms and conditions for participating in Local Battery and achieving a Local Battery rebate from True Energy ApS (”True Energy”).

2. Conditions

Your participation in Local Battery is dependent on meeting set conditions and criteria. Your place of residence (home address) must be within the Radius electricity network area, and you must use True Energy’s application when charging your electric car. Furthermore, accepting the terms and conditions for using the True Energy app, described in the following link, is also a condition for becoming eligible for earning rebates through participating in the Local Battery programme: https://www.trueenergy.io/terms-conditions/

3. Delivery Conditions

The initial duration of Local Battery was from September 2020 to December 2020. Local Battery was conducted as a pilot project between Radius Elnet and True Energy. Local Battery rebate could be earned during the period mentioned above. Local Battery is True Energy’s simultaneous access to and central control of the charging of many electric car batteries. The central control enables Local Battery to assist the local energy grid as a flexible extra capacity, enabling the lowering of grid load during specific times at select places in the energy grid. True Energy never sends electricity from your car’s battery into the energy grid. Furthermore, your vehicle will always be charged per your designated Ready Time. Radius Elnet remunerates True Energy for delivering this service. This payment is shared with the participating electric car owners in accordance with segment six (Prices) in these terms and conditions. The payment is distributed in the form of a Local Battery rebate. You, as a participating electric car owner, earn a Local Battery rebate every month your car participates in Local Battery. If the Radius Elnet and True Energy project is terminated, your payment will also cease. Radius Elnet can split, change, or wholly terminate payment for the services True Energy provides. Such changes, or other potential changes, that would lead to True Energy no longer receiving remuneration from Radius Elnet for Local Battery will lead to the termination of Local Battery rebate for participating electric car owners from a date no later than that corresponding to when the payment changes initiated by Radius Elnet come into effect for True Energy. Per the Changes to Terms and Conditions segment of these terms and conditions, True Energy will inform you about such changes as quickly as possible, should such a situation arise. 4. Conditions for participation in Local Battery The following conditions must be met for your car to participate in Local Battery:
  1. You must use True Energy’s application to charge your electric vehicle.
  2. The charging point behind your electricity meter (i.e. at home) must be set on Smart Charge. Cars on Quick Charge do not participate in Local Battery.
  3. Under Charge Rules in the application, you must have selected YES to participate in Local Battery.

5. Reduced participation in Local Battery

True Energy cannot guarantee that all cars with charging cables attached to the energy grid will participate in Local Battery.
  1. Circumstances related to the individual vehicle may cause it to be unable to participate once or several times. For example, the following reasons may lead to such a situation: the connection to the car is unstable, the car owner’s specified ready time is short, or a very long charging time is required.
  2. True Energy may win bids for smaller capacity provisions than are smaller than the available car battery resources.

6. Prices

An electric car owner participating in the Local Battery earns 31,25 Danish Kroner monthly, including VAT. The amount depends on the electric car being registered as participating by the seventh of the month in question and still participating by the end of the month in question. Your earned Local Battery rebate is allotted at the month’s end and shown in the app. Please note that in addition to participating in Local Battery, participating in Big Battery can also lead to Kabelrabat™. Both types of rebates are added to the total Kabelrabat™ shown in the app.

7. Payment

All Local Battery rebate remunerations are calculated and settled in Danish Kroner, including applicable VAT and other applicable fees and charges. If you are an electricity customer at one of True Energy’s partners and have declared this customer relationship in the app, your Local Battery rebate is included as a rebate on your electricity bill at least once or twice a year. If you are an electricity customer with an electricity provider who is not a True Energy partner, your cumulative Local Battery rebate, minus a handling fee, will be paid out no later than 30 days after the project’s end date. The amount will be paid via MobilePay to the phone number you have specified under your profile in the app. You can, to the extent that True Energy offers it, choose to convert your Local Battery rebate to other types of products, donations, etc.

8. Termination

If your car does not participate in Local Battery, including but not limited to you deactivating the app, setting your car as offline in the app or choosing not to participate in Local Battery under the charge rules, the generation of Local Battery rebate is terminated. Already earned rebate will, however, still be applicable (for users who received the rebate via their electricity bill from one of our partners; this applies until the final statement from the energy company, after which any further earned rebate is deemed not to be applicable).

9. Complaints

Objections and complaints must be submitted in writing to True Energy by email to support@trueenergy.io. True Energy will then process your inquiry as soon as possible and inform you of our assessment.

10. Personal Data

True Energy’s processing of personal data is described in our personal data policy. For information regarding True Energy’s personal data policy, we refer to the following link on our website: https://www.trueenergy.io/privacy-policy/

11. Applicable Law and Venue

Any dispute that may arise in connection with this contract, including disputes regarding the existence or validity of the contract, must be sought resolved through mediation. If the mediation ends without the dispute being resolved, disputes between you and True Energy must be settled in accordance with Danish law. Cases against True Energy in relation to these terms and conditions or the Delivery Agreement are brought before the district court in Helsingør, Denmark.

12. Changes to Terms and Conditions

True Energy retains the right to change these terms and conditions with a minimum notice period of one month’s notice until the end of one month (30+ days). Changes will be announced on True Energy’s website, through True Energy’s application, via invoice notices or similar. Current terms and conditions can be found at www.trueenergy.io Changes to terms caused by changes/requirements of Energinet or other authorities can be implemented with less notice than one month.

These terms and conditions apply from August 1, 2020.