To answer that question, we asked AI to stand at the intersection between EVs and festive cheer.
For a fun exercise, we have previously asked ChatGPT to imagine stereotypical EV owners of different car brands. We asked it to include what they looked like, where they lived and what they did for a living. We then used Midjourney to generate images based on the stereotypes.
Since EVs on their own are the best presents we can think of, we were not sure what to get the EV owners we know. To solve this we again turned to ChatGPT AI to suggest Christmas presents for each EV owner. In each case, we asked AI to offer three EV-related gifts and one non-EV gift more associated with the stereotype’s personality.
In this article, we will reveal twenty-four car brands. It is meant as a jolly trip through the “mind” of AI. But who knows, you might find inspiration for gifts or recognise stereotypes from yourself or someone you know.
So, buckle up and join us for a merry ride through AI’s imagination and holiday shopping list.